strategic plan through a maze

Did you know?

Organizations with a strategic plan have a 12% higher revenue growth rate than those without.

Source: Harvard Business Review

One of the biggest failings of organizations – businesses and not-for-profits alike – is that they are often spread too thinly and end up not doing any one thing particularly well.

With clearly defined priorities, organizations can outpace their competitors and differentiate themselves in the marketplace, as they attract and retain top talent, and deliver excellent products and services for their customers.

Success starts with a solid strategic plan that provides a sense of direction for everyone, determines where efforts and resources are allocated, and allows your organization to proactively pursue its goals.

However, we all know that it not just about having a great strategic plan. It's about executing on it.

Indeed, a plan is only the beginning. Without implementation, going through the exercise of establishing priorities is a waste of everyone’s time. Yet, we often hear that strategic plans never get fully implemented.

And this is how our approach is different:

First, to create a plan that fits the needs of your organization like no other, we believe it has to be
created from within the organization – by the same leaders that will ultimately ensure it gets implemented. Thus, our solution is the facilitation of your strategic planning with our systematic and comprehensive approach.

Second, the execution of the plan is part of our approach. Once the planning has concluded, we shepherd you through the implementation process. We do this with regularly scheduled feedback sessions that provide the space, support and accountability to create solutions for issues that might be encountered.

This approach maintains the momentum necessary for continued progress toward achieving your goals, and we call it Strategic Planning+(TM).

It has five phases:

  • Establishing parameters

  • Answering Big Picture Questions

  • Identifying Strategic Priorities

  • Creating Alignment and Accountability

  • Executing the Plan

This approach is proven and makes all the difference - because it creates the results you want faster and takes your organization further!


Then go ahead and schedule a call with us to explore how our Strategic Planning+(TM) process can help you achieve your goals.

Let's make it happen.

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